The Nave Windows
The Risen Lord Commissions St. Peter
Photograph by Bill Blanchard
At the rear of the nave, on the left side as you enter the Chapel, the Risen Lord Commissions St. Peter. The mark of the wound in his foot reminds us that the victory was achieved through his sacrificial death. "I am the good Shepherd, who lays down his life for his sheep" (John 10:11; 17-18). The lambs at Jesus' side reinforce this image. Having given Peter the keys of the kingdom (Matthew 16:17-19; John 20:21-23), Jesus now challenges him to confess his loving commitment in humility, rather than by boasting as he did at the Last Supper (contrast John 21: 15-19 with 13: 36-38 and 18:15-18, 25-27). The teaching and sacramental ministry of Peter and his successors is the object of the command of Jesus: "Feed my lambs, feed my sheep" (John 21: 15-17).
The artist has placed a small town in the background. The keys are obscured by the frame.
In the quatrefoil above the lancets, we see the letters "IHS", the first three letters of Jesus' name in Greek, drawing our attention to the continuing presence of the Risen Lord with the Church. "You shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins" (Matthew 1:21).
In the lower portion of the window is the memorial scroll with the words "Orate Sodales Et bene siet commilitioni Vestro Josepho M. Flynn MCMVIII." In English "Pray, comrades, and may all be well for your fellow-soldier Joseph M. Flynn 1908."
The year indicates when the window was made. In the lower right we see the "Maker's Mark" of the firm of Franz Meyer of Munich, the company that created the window.