The Nave Windows
The Ascension of the Lord
Photograph by Bill Blanchard
The window of the Ascension of the Lord provides an insight into the mystery that St. Luke depicts twice, as the hinge between his first and second volume (Luke 24:50-53 and Acts 1:6-11). As great High Priest, his wounds reminding us that he is also the Lamb of sacrifice, Jesus blesses the Apostles and the infant Church. The scene is reminiscent of the description of the high priest at the end of the Temple liturgy. "He came down and lifted up his hands over the whole congregation of the children of Israel, he pronounced the blessing of the Lord with his lips..." (Numbers 6:24-26)"...and they bowed down in receive the blessing from the Most High" (Sirach 50:20-21). In the heavenly Liturgy, Jesus continues to intercede for his Church and mediates the blessing of the heavenly Father through the Holy Spirit.
The Apostles are grouped around Jesus as he ascends. The trees in the background are bring forth blossoms and acorns, symbols of the renewal of life.
In the cinquefoil above the lancets an angel with multicolored wings holds the crown symbolic of the royal dimension of the Lord's work. As eternal king and priest like Melchisedek, he brings all creation to the worship/service of the heavenly Father (1 Corinthians 15: 20-28).
The scroll at the base indicates that the window was "Donated by the Alumni."