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School of Diplomacy and International Relations- United Nations Year of Dialogue among Civilizations- Seton Hall University


Professor Amartya Sen

Dr. Sen was awarded the Nobel Prize for Economics in 1998. He is a professor of economics at Trinity College, Cambridge. He was also a professor of economics and philosophy at Harvard University.

Following a bachelor’s degree in Calcutta, Dr. Sen received an additional B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees from Trinity College in Cambridge, England.

His professional activities include memberships on numerous editorial boards, including Economic and Philosophy, Ethics, Feminist Economics, Gender and Development, Indian Economic and Social History Review, Indian Journal of Quantitative Economics, Journal of Peasant Studies, Pakistan Development Review, Pakistan Journal of Applied Economics, Philosophy and Public Affairs, Social Choice and Welfare, Common Knowledge, Critic and Review, Theory and Decision, and Business and the Contemporary World.

Amartya Sen publishes widely, including recently in the New York Review of Books. Several of his numerous books are Democracy as Freedom (2000) and On Economic Equality (1997).