How do I find a periodical in the library?

The University Libraries offer periodicals in a variety of formats: 

Paper (bound), which are found on the second floor;

Microform (microfilm; microfiche), which are found on the third floor in the microforms room;



and Electronic, which may be accessed online using any computer anywhere that has Internet access, provided you have a Seton Hall University ID.

To find a list of periodicals that are accessed electronically, click on "E-Journals" under   "Articles/Journals".  Click on the first letter of your journal title to get the list of journals starting with that letter. When you find your journal title in the alphabetical list, you will also see which online database carries your electronic journal and access information.

To find a list of periodicals that are on paper or microforms, go to the library home page. Click on "Paper/Microform Journals" under "Articles/Journals".  Click on the first letter of your journal title to get the list of journals starting with that letter. The journals are listed in alphabetical order by exact title.  Check on the format of the journal, based on the year/volume you are seeking to determine whether the issues are on paper or microform. The "+" sign at the end of an entry means that we continue to subscribe to that journal.

Now go back to the Library Homepage and click on "Databases" to access your journal article.