Christian Belief and Thought

RELS 1202 NA / CAST 1202 NA

Spring 2011

Peter G. Ahr, Ph.D.

Course Requirements

Scope and Purpose of the Course

Class Schedule and Assignments


Class meets Tuesdays 5:45-8:15 p.m. in Fahy Hall, Room 122.

February 22, 2011 version; check regularly for revisions, particularly in the event of weather closings. 

The Relics of St John Chrysostom, Patriarch of Constantinople from 398 to 404.  The relics were stolen in 1204 during the Fourth Crusade and returned by the Pope to the Patriarch of Constantinople in 2004.


Jan 18 Introduction to the course: the roots of the Christian tradition in the Hebrew Bible

Christianity is, first of all, a tradition (or perhaps better, a stream of traditions); we all encounter it at a particular point in the history of those traditions, and any look at the Christianity of a particular time and place is a look at a point in that history.  The history is a definite one, and by all accounts it begins with the collection of literature that Jesus and his contemporaries took as the word of God.  In this first class we will be giving an overview of that literature and its place in the development of the Christian tradition, and a quick overview of the tradition itself.

The first class will also cover the course requirements and other matters dealt with in this syllabus.

Reading before class:

The Christian Theological Tradition, Introduction, pp. 1-17

Jan 25  God, the Covenant and the Hebrew tradition

The Exodus
The stories of the ancestors
The covenant
Stories of the beginnings David, Solomon and the Temple
The Prophets
The Exile
Second Temple Judaism
Read before class and post a Journal entry:

The Christian Theological Tradition, chapters 1 through 5, pp. 19-89, especially pp. 19-59

The Bible:   Genesis and Exodus, especially Genesis chapters 1 through 23 and Exodus chapters 1 through 24

Michelangelo, The Creation of Adam

Sistine Chapel

Feb 1 Jesus and the Gospels

Class cancelled tonight because of weather conditions; see the revised syllabus for February 8, when we will cover this material.  You have one journal entry due, posted either for February 1 or February 8.  The class of February 15 will cover material originally assigned for February 8 and February 15.

Sandro Botticelli, The Adoration of the Magi
Florence: Uffizi
Feb 8  Jesus and the Gospels

The Gospel traditions
The Synoptic question
 (On the synoptic question, click here for an excellent analysis of this entire question)

Writing Assignment
Choose one of the online texts from this syllabus, and prepare a close reading of that text.  Your reading must include a discussion of the historical context of that particular text: where and when was it written?  What issues does it address?  What does it take for granted?  What does it say about what Christian belief means?  What influence did the text have in its time and later?  The final paper should be five to eight pages in length.  You may use the course textbook and the notes appended to the online text as part of your study; but your paper must include your own analysis of the text on the basis of that information.  Some of the texts on the syllabus may be more difficult than others; please check with me in person or by email to let me know what you propose to do.  An outline of your paper is due to me by February 22; and the paper itself is due no later than April 12.

Note that the Resources on this syllabus can provide you with a number of valuable sources that will help you with your research project, although your final paper must reference both print and online sources. 

Read before class and post a Journal entry:

The Christian Theological Tradition, chapter 6, pp. 91-117

The Gospels of Luke and John, especially Luke chapters 1 through 6 and 22 through 24; and John chapters 1 through 3 and 11 through 21


The Tomb of Jesus, Church of the Holy Sepulchre
Feb 15

Early Christianity

Paul and the first witnesses
Early Christian churches

Christianity and pagan culture
Theological questions
From persecuted sect to state religion

  Read before class and post a Journal entry:

The Christian Theological Tradition, chapters 7 and 8, pp. 118-159

The Bible: The Acts of the Apostles, Paul's Letter to the Romans

Letter of Pliny to Trajan on the Christians

The Gospel of Thomas: see how this text is different from the canonical Gospels

The Didache

Tertullian on pagan learning

Origen on classical learning


Other reading:

Letter of Ignatius of Antioch to the Romans

Pagan charges of ritual cannibalism

The Martyrdom of Polycarp

The Passion of Perpetua and Felicity

Jesus as the Good Shepherd

Rome, 3rd century

Feb 22

The Imperial Church

Church councils

Theology as response to philosophical inquiry



Read before class and post a Journal entry:

The Christian Theological Tradition, chapters 9 and 10; pp. 161-193

The Creed of the Council of Nicaea

The Rule of St. Benedict


Other reading:

Eusebius on the conversion of Constantine

The Edict of Milan

Athanasius' Life of Anthony the First Hermit


Term paper outline due in class tonight

Review for the Midterm Exam

Sant' Apollinare in Classe, Ravenna

Mar 1
Midterm Exam on the preceding material

 The exam will begin at 5:45, and will conclude by 7:15.  The remainder of the class time will be devoted to the topic of Islam.  You will answer three of the following questions in concise essays:


The rise of Islam

Reading before class:

The Christian Theological Tradition, chapter 12; pp. 211-234

Alhambra, Granada, Spain

Mar 8 Spring Break - No class
Mar 15 Byzantine Christianity

The sacred emperor
The patriarchate
Byzantine monasticism
Devotion to the Virgin Mary

Read before class and post a Journal entry:
The Christian Theological Tradition, chapter 11, pp. 194-210

Other reading:
Easter Sermon of St. John Chrysostom
Procopius on Justinian's Church of the Holy Wisdom (the Hagia Sophia)
John of Damascus' Defense of the Icons
Readings on Hesychiasm

Justinian and his court. 

Mosaic, San Vitale, Ravenna

Mar 22 Latin Christianity in the Early Middle Ages

Develpment of theology
Conversion of the Germanic tribes
Monasteries and bishops
The Church in the developing feudal order

Read before class and post a Journal entry:
The Christian Theological Tradition, chapter 13; pp. 235-251

Other reading:
The Conversion of Augustine
Vincent of Lerins' "canon"
Pope Leo I and Attila
Pope Gregory I's Life of St. Benedict

Pulpit, Aachen Cathedral
Mar 29 Latin Christianity in the High Middle Ages

Monasteries and religious orders
Cathedral building
Devotion to the Virgin Mary
Eucharistic Devotion
Pilgrimage and Crusade

Read before class and post a Journal entry:
The Christian Theological Tradition, chapters 14 and 15; pp. 252-287

Other reading:
Description of the Abbey of Clairvaux
Bernard of Clairvaux' Apology, excerpt
Bernard of Clairvaux, On Loving God
The Murder of Thomas a Becket
Joinville's Life of Louis IX
The Testament of St. Francis of Assisi
Thomas Aquinas on the Existence of God
The Fourth Lateran Council's Decree against heresy
Miracle Tales of the Virgin
Tales of Confession

Sainte Chapelle, Paris

Apr 5

Latin Christianity in the Late Middle Ages

Early reforms: Francis and others
Late medieval devotional life: clergy and laity
The late medieval papacy
The role of the church
The churches and the rising national states


Read before class and post a Journal entry:
The Christian Theological Tradition, chapters 16 and 17; pp. 288-315

Isenheim Altarpiece, Mattias Gruenewald
Apr 12 Reformations in the Western Churches


The churches and the rising national states

The question of justification
The role of the church
Luther, Calvin, Zwingli, Henry VIII and Elizabeth I
English Puritanism

Read before class:
The Christian Theological Tradition, chapters 18 and 19; pp. 316-350

Other reading:
Luther's Ninety-five Theses
Luther's Preface to Romans
The Heidelberg Catechism
The Thirty-Nine Articles
An Elizabethan Sermon on Salvation

Term paper due at tonight's class


Martin Luther by Lukas Cranach

Apr 19

Roman Catholic Christianity 

St. Peter's Basilica
The Council of Trent
The Jesuit order
Baroque Catholicism

Read before class and post a Journal entry:

The Christian Theological Tradition, chapters 20 and 21; pp. 351-377


Other reading:

The Creed of Pius IV (1564)
The Council of Trent on Original Sin
The Council of Trent on the Sacraments
From the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola
"Spiritual Canticle" of John of the Cross

Burial of the Count of Orgaz, El Greco
Toledo, Church of Santo Tomé
Apr 26

European Christianity in the modern world

The French Revolution and its aftermath

Development of Christian missions beyond the Americas

Religion as expression of national identity
Christianity and colonialism

Christianity and modern thought


Reading before class:
The Christian Theological Tradition, chapter 22; pp. 378-398



The galaxy Abell 370, photographed by the Hubble telescope in 2009
May 3

American Christianity

Puritans and Cavaliers
Established churches and the First Amendment
Roman Catholic immigration

The First Vatican Council

Reading before class:
The Christian Theological Tradition, chapter 23; pp. 399-421




Review for Final Examination

St. Patrick's Cathedral, New York City
May 10 Final Examination

The final examination will be in class, during the regularly scheduled class period.  

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Scope and Purpose of the Course

This course is intended to provide you with an understanding of the variety of ways in which Christian people have lived their faith in God.  We will begin with a study of the basic stories and themes in the Hebrew Bible, which formed the religious consciousness of Jesus and the early Christians, and have served ever since as part of the authoritative sources of Christian tradition.  We will then look at the evidence of the first generations of Christians: their recollection of the person and meaning of Jesus of Nazareth, and the ways in which they preserved his story in the New Testament and other early Christian writings.  We will then look at the early Christian churches in the Roman empire, to see the variety of ways in which they understood and lived out their faith in Jesus: the issues which confronted them, and the ways in which they dealt with these issues.

The sudden recognition of Christianity as the official religion of the Roman empire brought to the fore the variety of understandings of the meaning of Christian belief.  The Roman imperial system from Constantine forward looked to a unified Christian church as a fundamental unifying force in the crumbling empire; we will look at the ways in which the variety of Christian understandings came in conflict with the imperial need for a unitary church.

We will look particularly at two basic forms of Christianity which developed out of this imperial synthesis: the Byzantine church, Greek-speaking and centered in the imperial capital of Constantinople; and the Latin church of the western Mediterranean and north-west Europe.  We will look both at the "high" theology of these churches, and at the popular forms of religious belief and practice as they developed over the centuries.

As European civilization developed in the middle years of this millennium, a variety of movements led to the development of a number of very different forms of Christianity over the course of the sixteenth century.  Out of these movements developed the Protestant and Roman Catholic churches we recognize today, each with its distinctive forms of belief and practice, and each with its own sense of fidelity to the ancient Christian tradition.

In the last weeks of the course, we will examine the impact of the European contact with the non-European world on the development of the Christian tradition, with particular attention to the religious history of the United States.

Obviously, an introductory course of this scope can not cover all that might be said or known about this enormously rich topic; all we will be able to do is examine some representative movements, texts, objects and other evidence of the rich diversity of Christian belief and practice over the past two millennia.  At the same time, however, this understanding of the development of Christianity as a religious tradition should help you understand something more of your own religious background, and give you some of the tools to refine your sense of religion well beyond the few weeks of this course.  If you are not of a Christian background, this course should give you a sense of who these curious "Christians" are.

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Course Requirements:

The text for this course is The Christian Theological Tradition, edited by Catherine Cory and Michael Hollerich, published in third edition by Prentice-Hall, ISBN 0-13-602832-1.  It is available in the University Bookstore.  Each class during the semester will cover topics discussed in the textbook; you are expected to have read the assigned chapters of the textbook before the class in which the chapters are to be discussed, since the class time will be devoted to discussing the matters raised in these chapters.

The other book you will need for this course is the Bible.  Any 20th-century translation of the Bible is acceptable; I personally prefer the Revised Standard Version for its fidelity to the linguistic structure of the original texts.  Certain books of the Bible are included in the course reading, as noted above.

In addition, many classes will also be discussing other materials available on the Web, especially primary source text and visual materials.  Links to these materials are in the syllabus; you are also expected to have studied these materials before the class in which they will be discussed.  Links are visible as lines of blue text in the syllabus.

Grading Criteria:


In addition to the textbook and the materials referenced in the syllabus, you may find additional material of interest in the following locations:


Internet Resources for the Study of Judaism and Christianity

Prof. Mahlon Smith's Virtual Religion Index: a very comprehensive set of links to materials on the history of Christianity and of other religions
The New Jerusalem Mosaic (website)
The Ecole Initiative, a Hypertext Encyclopedia of Early Church History on the World Wide Web
The Internet Ancient History Sourcebook (website with hundreds of links to ancient documents)
The Internet Jewish History Sourcebook (website with hundreds of Jewish documents)
The Christian Catacombs of Rome (website)
The Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem (website)
List of Popes from the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia (somewhat dated, but still useful)
Byzantine Sources in Translation (index of available texts, with links)
Byzantine Studies on the Internet (website with hundreds of texts)
Orthodox Resources from the University of Athens
The Internet Islamic History Sourcebook (website with hundreds of Islamic documents)
The Internet Medieval Sourcebook (website with links to hundreds of medieval texts)
An excellent website (in German) on the Thirty Years' War (1618-1648)
The Modern History Sourcebook (website with links to hundreds of texts on modern history)

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Image at top of page: The Relics of St John Chrysostom, Patriarch of Constantinople from 398 to 404.  The relics were stolen in 1204 during the Fourth Crusade and returned by the Pope to the Patriarch of Constantinople in 2004.  The return of these relics was a significant gesture of reconciliation between the Church of Rome and the Church of Constantinople, the New Rome.  In front of the marble casket holding the relics is a modern icon of St. John Chrysostom.  The writing on the icon reads "O Agios Joannes o Chrysostomos": St. John the Golden-mouthed.  He is known by that name because of his brilliant preaching.