This web space has been created for two purposes:
- The first is to allow those academic departments that require supplemental web materials above and beyond the official University presence on www.shu.edu the space to create a maintain a web site.
- The second is to allow faculty space for organizations, research projects or other grant activities that require a web presence. Examples include a space for the the HPLC Chemistry site.
How To Access
The current tool supported by the University for creating and maintaining websites is Adobe InDesign. If you do not already have the software loaded on your SHU-issued computer, you may contact the Help Desk to request the software, or you may use the software in the University's open computer labs.
Courses in Web Development are offered through the CTC on a regular basis. Please review their website for information. Any user not wishing to use the University-provided software may use the web development software and FTP client of their choice.
Technical Info
The communication protocol supported on academic.shu.edu is SFTP only, the server is accessible from both on and off campus. Any supplemental department pages will not be automatically crawled by major search engines but other pages will. Authentication is set via the University's account management services.